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Coming Soon

Due Early January 2025;



Ludwig and Ludwig 1937 Swing Model One Piece Maple
Ludwig and Ludwig One Piece Mahogany
Slingerland Rolling Bomber in Refinished Maple
Slingerland mid 50's Radio King 14x5.5 in Silver Sparkle




Gretsch Drop G Badge 22, 13, 16 in Rosewood
Ludwig 60's Super Classic 22, 13, 16 in Champagne Sparkle
Ludwig 70's Carioca Outfit 22,16 in Black Panther wut Chrome over Brass 13 and 14 Timbales
Ludwig 60's Keystone Hollywood Outfit 22, 12, 13, 16 in Oyster Black Pearl
Slingerland 60's Modern Jazz Outfit 20, 12, 14, in Sparkling Pink